Saturday, September 28, 2013

Obamacare: The law that doesn't work and few want but are being forced to accept anyway

If you have watched the news, read,,, Facebook, Twitter, etc., you have seen the disastrous effects Obamacare -- the "Affordable Care Act" (ACA) according to the official name -- is having.  Not on healthcare -- how can it, when the man who rammed it through Congress using sometimes illegal means that included preventing C-SPAN, essentially the true public watchdog for the general public on the goings-on in Congress, from having any access to portions of the negotiations -- but on America as a whole.

The bottom line is there is so much confusion that Americans do not want the law enacted.  According to Real Clear Politics' average of seven national polls, the gap between those who are in favor of the law (38.7 percent) to those who are not in favor of it (52.0 percent) is in double digits.  In fact, 23 of the last 30 polls tracked by RCP on the subject have had a margin of at least 10 points with this against the law leading, going back to April 20th.  The significance is that is the last time the gap was less than double digits for more than two consecutive weeks.  As more of the details emerge, as more of the costs are revealed, as more jobs are lost or hours are cut, the disdain for the law grows.

Why "If Mike Was President..." Exists

Many of you know me.  Many of you don't.  I am your typical, largely anonymous person with an opinion.

I have several blogs.  Some are for fun -- Caffeine & Hot Sauce! is just me.  Just. Plain. Me.  There is Steel City Musings, which lets me vent on Pittsburgh sports.  It used to be Steelers-only and was called Big Snack's Sweatsocks, but all nearly 400 pounds of Casey "Big Snack" Hampton are no longer with the Steelers, and the Pirates are relevant again -- and I'm getting back into hockey after mostly giving it up after I quit playing it about 10 years ago, so I care enough about the Penguins again to write about them.

Some aren't just for fun.  I am pretty heavily involved in ministry -- I lead in my church's Men's Ministry, I do some mentoring and I do a fair amount of blogging about the subject I care about most.  My latest, and most active, is Father Above, a blog about what the Bible says about fatherhood.  My other is called God Then Country, which talks about the times when faith and politics collide.

But now and then, I need to rant about politics.  It's not that I particularly like politics; on the contrary, I despise everything about them.  Sure, I am affiliated with one of our two major parties -- something I have been giving strong consideration to rethinking -- but that is just because I believe much more in one direction than I do the other, and that party claims to support a lot more of what I believe in.

The political arena is ugly.  It inspires hate.  It perpetuates racism.  It seeks to divide the human race and distract us from the most important thing of all: our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

But sometimes my opinions are a bit too strong or a bit too far on the political side to belong on God Then Country.  So I need a place to let it all out.  And this is it.  This is where I get to tell you what I would do if I ran things.  And remember this: my feelings on this blog are based on our constitution, so what I would do as President of the United States may not always line up with how I feel from a faith-based standpoint.  Because this is where I speak within the confines of the document that presidents and servicemen are sworn to protect and defend to the best of their abilities.  But rest assured: I will not violate my faith.  I just might surprise you with how I respond, within those two confines: the Bible, then the Constitution.

This is all about the What-If.  Maybe I'll sway an opinion or two and get myself a write-in vote some day.  Maybe popularity will soar, or maybe I will wind up the only one who ever cares about my opinions.  I'm not here for notoriety.  I am here because someone needs to make some sense of all the partisan mess and give a view other than that of a bunch of talking heads in Washington, New York and Los Angeles.  Consider this my position on the issues.

But consider that my position will always -- always -- have a Biblical basis, without ever specifically imposing the Bible on anyone.  Because that violates the Constitution of the United States.  And even the Bible says that we are to obey the laws of the land in which we find ourselves, in Romans 13:1: "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." (ESV)

Those are my rules for this blog.  That is what it is.  If I was running for president and you asked for my positions on different topics, these would be my answers.  You may delight in them, you may despise them.  But you can rest assured they will be Biblically sound.  And, with that, I give you this:

If Mike was president...